Query Letter Perfection: How to Hook Agents Every Time

If you want to break into the writing business, your job isn’t over when you finish your final draft. You have to keep going and write a killer query letter. This document introduces your work to an agent, editor, or publisher. The better your query letter is, the more likely it is that the editor…

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When Creativity and the Ability to Sell Don’t Mix

Disney has produced some truly wonderful material over its decades of operation. Even so, I can’t help but notice that Disney tends not to move away from general plots. For example, in the Hunchback of Notre Dame, Quasimodo dreams about leaving the confines of his church and being free to do bigger and better things. In Aladdin,…

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An Editor Can Transform Content (If Writers Let Them)

In the writing world, an editor is often the stinky cheese in the refrigerator of fairness and creativity. But why? What a good editor does During the editing process, it’s the editor’s job to tweak content in multiple ways. They check that everything is relevant to the topic and accurate, and that the flow of…

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Social Media Has the Power to Create a World of Writers

I’ll admit it. I’m a social media (SM) junkie. There’s usually at least one site running in my browser as I’m working. I don’t pay too much heed to the seemingly endless rope of changes those platforms initiate. But I do pay attention to my friends’ statuses on the news feed. How are people using…

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