
The AI Debate: Quantity Isn’t the Only Way for Creatives to Find Success

Yes, AI can help creatives crank out more work, faster. But you can find success by putting out fewer high-quality works, too. Exceptionality might be a harder path, but it's still a valid one. That's...

3 Ways to Keep Your Writing Research Organized and Under Control

The original version of this post appeared June 13, 2021 in The Writing Cooperative on Medium. I’m a writer by trade. But sometimes when people ask what I do, I jokingly tell them I Google for...

How to Find a Literary Agent

You don't HAVE to use a traditional publisher for your book. But if you want to, getting a literary agent is a must. Vitor Dutra Kaosnoff from Pixabay In this video, I break down my 10 years of querying...

Got Multiple Writing Projects? Take the Time to Do This 1 Thing

There's tons of advice out there about how to overcome writer's block. But what if you have so many ideas you're overwhelmed? This video explains why making a simple list of all the projects I've...

When Writing Is Hard, Laugh

Lately, writing has been relatively stressful. Even if I were in a coffee shop sipping an overpriced beverage (which I'm not), other elements in my life pinch my wordsmithing sessions so that they're not as...

YOY Social Media Growth 2024

Social media platforms are the main way I share my content. Because I believe so much in transparency, as the year comes to a close, I'd love to share the YOY brand growth results I've...

Why Book Sales Aren’t the Greatest Measure of Writing Success

Every writer I know wants to sell lots of books (including me). But units sold doesn't always translate to high-quality work. Get the deets in this video. Watch/Subscribe I have to admit that the...

The Value of Taking a Break From Writing

Writers are under more pressure than ever to produce, produce, produce, not only because of the way book sales drop off a few months after an initial release, but also because social media has created...

The Balance Between Serving Yourself and Serving the Reader

As a business writer, I'm buried by articles and social media posts from others that promote the idea of serving the customer. For wordsmiths, the customer is, of course, the reader. If you subscribe to...

The One Thing You Need to Do to Improve Your Writing

I don't know a single writer on the face of the planet who doesn't want to make their content better -- you're likely reading this because you have that desire. But I like to recognize...