Headlines Stink? Try These 8 Power-Ups

One of the best things about the digital world right now is that writers can get their content out on tons of platforms. It’s easier than ever to self-publish, too. The downside of this reality, though, is that you’ve also got much more competition than you would have had in the past. It’s harder to…

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How Choice Creates Compelling Fiction

Think fast. What’s the secret to a fantastic novel? It’s not mastering the story arc (because naturally, you want your book to read EXACTLY like every other book sold). It’s not avoiding a specific point of view (yes, you actually can do third-person omniscient). Truly compelling fiction, in my view, revolves around one thing—choice. Why…

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Why “Qualified” Is a Horrible Way to Describe a Writer

You know the idea. Write what you know. That will let the words flow onto the page faster and with a flavor of authenticity readers will smack their lips for. Rephrased, the concept is, you’re not “qualified” to write something unless it comes from your own experience. I dare you to say that to ghostwriters,…

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