5 Best Christmas Gifts for Writers

Just because writers typically don’t make lots of money doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy nice things. But if you’re not a writer who understands what wordsmiths find lovely, or if the writer in your life already has a ton of what they need (e.g., a brand new laptop), what Christmas gifts do you buy? Based…

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The Problem of Memory in Memoir Writing

Over the past few months, I’ve been writing a religious nonfiction book centered around recovering from trauma. A huge part of the beginning of the book is telling my story so readers can understand where I’m coming from. So, although it’s not a memoir, per se, it’s quite memoir-esque, and I quickly discovered a problem.…

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Why Writers Should Ignore (Most) Social Media Best Practices

Although social media is here to stay, there’s little question that the face of social media is changing. Centralized, independent platforms (e.g., Facebook, X, Pinterest) long have been the standard. But now, some experts are arguing that, with the emergence of options like Mastodon, we’re moving toward a more federated, connected approach. Federated social media…

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The Value of Writing to Be, Not Do

As a business writer, most of the articles I produce have one rule: Give the reader one or more action points. The idea is to let them feel as though your advice is both accessible and immediately applicable. It’s all about giving a roadmap that can lead others to success. If there’s nothing for the…

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