Lots of Writing Advice Is Bad, But These Points Are the Worst

#Writing advice? Yeah, some of it stinks, even when it’s stuff you’ve heard a million times. This video lists three of the worst pieces of advice I hear (and why they’re awful). Watch/Subscribe:https://youtu.be/2rDhQ4QNyLQ I’ve been writing professionally for two decades. So, I’ve heard just about every recommendation a writer can get. I take most writing…

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Why Writers Really Pay to Publish Books

How much does it take to publish a book on your own as a writer? In the past, the answer would have been $0. If you found an agent and got your book in front of publishers, you could have them pay to publish your work. Now, though, even most traditional publishers want their writers…

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Writing When Others Don’t Support You

Writing is hard. (Like, really hard.) If others don’t support you, it’s even harder. In this video, I talk about one writer’s negative experience, emphasizing that it’s more important to believe in the message you have to communicate than focus on yourself or what others think of your work. Watch/Subscribe:https://youtu.be/MHLxDL9bquw [Transcript summary] A couple of…

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Portmanteau: When Smashing Words Together Sets Writers Free

If you know me really well, you know that I absolutely love bad TV. We’re talking Xena tossing around a baby in the middle of a fight, classics like The Blob, and of course, Mechagodzilla and Godzilla duking it out with killer lightning bolt effects. There’s something comforting about the absurdity of it next to…

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Should You Cross-Post Your Content on Social Media?

I cross-post a lot of content as a writer. (You might have noticed.) But that doesn’t mean everything is EXACTLY the same across my accounts. In this video, I explain that every platform has its own key demographics. TikTok users tend to be younger than Facebook users, for instance. SO, sometimes you have to adjust…

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After Disclosure: When Writing Brings New Pain

In a previous video post, I acknowledged that not everything writers need to write about is rainbows and unicorns. Writing can be therapy in a real way, and it’s a path by which we can provide empathy and push toward change. But last week, I read an article in BookForum by Moira Donegan entitled “Disposable…

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I’m No Influencer, But I’m Proud of My Followers

I’ve never planned to be one of those people with millions of followers on social media. A MrBeast I am not. But in this video, I explain why I’m happy with the follower count I have. In a previous social media post archived at wandathibodeaux.com, I asserted that building a follower count by borrowing the…

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Success as a Writer Is Not a Number

In a previous post, I talked about whether being prolific offered any value for writers. Danielle Steele, who has hundreds of books, stands as the primary example of how a lot of content can work in a writer’s favor. But what happens when the amount someone produces becomes a sort of success standard. What if…

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Why Brands Are Reevaluating Influencers

Writers and other creatives can benefit significantly from brand partnerships. But brands have tended to work only with social media influencers with big follower counts. It’s a catch-22, because you can’t grow without the brands and you can’t get the brands if you haven’t grown. Or at least…that’s how it was. A new study shows…

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How to Build a Content Calendar With Feedly, Trello, and Zapier

In a previous post, I recommended that writers integrate apps to improve their overall workflow. Setting this up is a highly individual process. What one writer finds to be *chef’s kiss* might make another writer want to burn the house down as though it were infested with spiders. What I’ve found helpful, however, is to…

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