How Many Books Should You Read Each Year?

In America’s culture of “more is probably better”, people tend to flaunt how many books they’ve read like badges of honor that offer implied evidence of competence. In this context, Pew Research says that Americans read an average of 12 books per year. The median is four books per year. But is there really a number of…

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Writing Prompts: Friend or Foe?

In my daily Twitter scrolling a few days ago, I happened upon a post by essayist Paul Crenshaw (@PaulCrenstorm). In the post, Crenshaw referred to writing prompts and asked, “Am I the only writer who not only thinks writing prompts are not good, but that they’re actually harmful?” After looking through the comments, it was…

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How and Why to Make a Creativity Journal

Traditional journaling is a fantastic way to clear your head. It can help you get rid of stress and center yourself to stay productive. But if you really plan to make it to the top, keep a separate creativity journal. What is a creativity journal (and why should I start one)? A creativity journal is…

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Daily Word Count Goals Suck for Writers. Here’s Why

As a writer, I try hard to stay connected with other writers, especially on social media. Regardless of which platform I’m using, the focus on daily word count always has puzzled me. Writers will tell others how many words they want to write that day, or how many they’ve written. But I’m not sure they…

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