Do Modern Writers Lean Too Much on Blunt Shock Value?

Catching your readers off guard for a little shock value once in a while isn’t a bad thing. It can make your story seem more novel (pun intended). That freshness can motivate people to go all the way to the last page. But I stumbled across this Tweet: The tweet got me thinking about how…

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4 Tricks to Write Faster

I’m a firm believer that writing should take the time it takes and shouldn’t be forced. After all, sometimes life happens. We all have times when we feel like crap or are overwhelmed. In those times, it’s difficult to focus in a way that makes the result feel natural and pleasant. But deadlines in life…

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12 Things Great Writers Never Do

Writers are similar to any other professional in that they want to do their absolute best in their craft and have best practices (e.g., ALWAYS back up files, get feedback on drafts). Most successful writers never do the following: 1. Copy others Truly great writers are less concerned with trends and marketability than they are…

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Fighting Boredom as a Writer? This Is Probably Why

You know the feeling. You stare at your computer screen or pad of paper and, in boredom, think, “Meh.” Does this feeling really mean putting words on the page isn’t interesting anymore? Should you stop prioritizing your writing because of it and move on to something else? The usefulness of boredom–and the trouble with writing…

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