6 Ways to Connect With Other Writers

When you connect with other writers, it doesn’t just help you improve your drafts. It can be psychologically lifesaving, especially now given the state of the industry. This video offers basic options for finding other wordsmiths. Watch/Subscribe:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biT7jd99MHE The biggest advice I can give on pretty much all of these points is, get specific. If you…

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The Only Mistake a Writer Truly Can Make

As I continue to work on multiple personal writing projects that mean a lot to me, I urge all other writers to avoid one mistake: Do not sacrifice truth and the freedom of your voice. It’s when people want to quiet you that your words must ring the loudest. A mistake that extends beyond censorship…

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5 Brilliant Ways to Respond to Bad Writing Reviews

It’s a dream of mine. I’ll admit it. I just want to hop online someday to see a ton of glowing reviews of my books. But as plenty of writers will tell you, bad writing reviews happen. When they do, in one way or another, you have to choose how to deal with them. These…

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The Value of Quotables in Writing

Do you have material in your drafts you can pull out as quotables? Include some and the value and memorability of your work likely will go up. I explain in this video. Watch/Subscribe:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgQdu0ilUwo The caveat to this, of course, is that there’s balance. It’s okay that some of your material is just supporting material! If…

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5 Things to Try to Do Every Day as a Writer

If you’ve read any of my previous work, you probably understand that I don’t subscribe to the idea that there is any singular way to write. Every writer will find their own process that works for their goals, needs, and circumstances. For that reason, I try not to tell other wordsmiths what they “should” or…

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What to Put in a Writer Portfolio

Every writer needs a good writer portfolio. But what do you put in a writer portfolio to ensure you attract the right readers and clients? Here’s my take after almost two decades as a professional. Watch/Subscribe:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxN43whqDWo I get asked sometimes what to do if you’re a total newb and really don’t have any clients or…

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A Smart Alternative to Using Word-of-the-Day Tools

Word-of-the-day options can be FANTASTIC. But if you want to make sure you learn new words YOUR audience uses and understands, here’s an alternative. Watch/Subscribe:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unZ97Wht8vM The idea here isn’t that word-of-the-day options are bad. You’re talking to a person who used to read the dictionary as a kid. But I AM saying that every group…

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The Problem with Low-Content Books

You might have noticed that people have figured it out. If you publish a super short book or a book that has almost no words, you still can put it up for sale on sites such as Amazon. People will buy the titles you prepare. You even can have AI generate the text and images…

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