6 Easy Ways to Get Better at Writing

I want to get better at writing. Most other writers I know have that goal, too. They feel obligated to improve because there’s a better chance they’ll make more money. They also want to show everybody else just how rich the craft can be. By far the best thing you can do to improve your writing is just to practice. But there are other easy ways to get better at wordsmithing, too.
1. Read
The more you read, the more you get exposed to different writing worlds, voices, and vocabulary. You also get more general information. That extra data helps you make decisions about what to include or exclude in the world you craft.
One sneaky trick here is to read tons of reviews and comments. These will give you invaluable insights about what readers thought worked and didn’t work in the given content. You can avoid their mistakes and incorporate tricks writers have used well with your own unique spin. As a bonus, familiarizing yourself with reviews and comments — which can be harsh, I’m not going to lie — can help you develop a thicker skin. When people say something about your own work, you have a better understanding that it truly isn’t personal. That keeps your confidence high so you can continue to write your best.
2. Subscribe
Far-reaching podcasts, word-of-of-the-day texts or emails, and masterclass videos on Youtube or other sites are just some of the ways you can educate yourself and hear what other writers think and do. The best thing about subscriptions is that once you’re signed up, everything comes to you directly with no extra research effort. All you have to do is come up with a system to keep the incoming episodes or other materials organized for later.
3. Make to-do lists
It’s OK if you’re more of a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants writer and like spontaneity in your day. But writing any kind of to-do list teaches you to prioritize what’s important to you and to see the chronology of time better. That can help you hone in on what writing tasks deserve your time for the day so you stay out of the weeds. It can transfer over into general, loose outlining, as well.
4. Set boundaries
No, I’m not talking about telling your family to scram while you work on a draft. (Doing that in a kind way certainly isn’t going to hurt, though.) I’m talking about knowing when to stop researching, drafting, or tweaking. At some point, more information just isn’t relevant, the draft is too long, and all your editing is just making the work different, not better. So whether it’s saying that you’ll only Google medieval swords for an hour or that you’ll create a more digestible series if your book crosses 100,000 words, create your rules and stick to them.
5. Cross platforms
No, you don’t have to be a Twitter star or podcaster or do a million interviews. But a little fun on different platforms can get you more comfortable accepting your identity as a writer. You have to promote yourself and your work in more venues and really have to own it. Platform crossing also teaches you to present your writing in lots of ways and gives you the opportunity to interact with different audiences. You also can have opportunities to share your insights. Teaching is one of the best ways to confirm for yourself whether you really are sure of what works for you and what your philosophies behind writing are.
6. Let go
I firmly believe that good things can come from hanging on to unfinished drafts or ideas. The reality, however, is that you don’t need to hang on to everything. Some concepts really are *cough*….yeah. Some days, you just know it’s not right. So let those words go. Identify what really energizes you and ditch what doesn’t. Remind yourself that crossing out words, paragraphs, or entire paragraphs is normal. It’s necessary to get an end product that’s engaging, lean, and true to who you are at your best.
Writers are always growing and improving. But it’s not just something that happens only because we get older and get more experience that can shape our content. We get better at writing also because we make a conscious choice to grow and improve. Decide right now that you’re going to take action and then let your ideas lead you wherever they might.