6 Ways to Connect With Other Writers

When you connect with other writers, it doesn’t just help you improve your drafts. It can be psychologically lifesaving, especially now given the state of the industry. This video offers basic options for finding other wordsmiths.


The biggest advice I can give on pretty much all of these points is, get specific. If you really love to write thrillers, find a group where that’s the focus. If you love to write critical essays, connect in a place where people do that. The idea is that, although every writer understands what wordsmithing is like in a general way, every genre or niche has its own pros, cons, and idiosyncrasies. The goals and ways of reaching the reader can be incredibly different. So, if you want other writers who really understand you and what you want to achieve, you have to find SOME writers who are running the same race you are.

writers connect in a group

If you opt to use social media to connect with other writers, use a little caution. Every time you click on a post, the algorithm learns. If all you do is click on posts where agents screwed writers over or some author said a stupid thing, you’ll get the impression that everything is awful and you won’t connect with the supportive people who are out there. Read and interact with a little of everything and be specific in your own posts about what you’re looking for.

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