Should You Cross-Post Your Content on Social Media?

I cross-post a lot of content as a writer. (You might have noticed.) But that doesn’t mean everything is EXACTLY the same across my accounts.

woman surrounded by social media icons concept of being able to cross-post to many platforms
Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

In this video, I explain that every platform has its own key demographics. TikTok users tend to be younger than Facebook users, for instance. SO, sometimes you have to adjust the content. If I were making this for TikTok, for example, it’d be way flashier, probably use pop music, etc., I could keep the core message and even a lot of the script, but the delivery would have to change.


But it all depends on your goals. If you don’t have a younger demographic as your target, you might be able to say fudge TikTok. If you want to widen your net and get your message across to many people across demographics (e.g., say, all registered voters), though, you might end up creating a lot of different assets for the different platforms to get the approach right for each group.

Generally, I split my content into short and long form, and then I just try to accommodate the quirks of the platforms as I try to cross-post, like the fact that Instagram can have 10 images but Pinterest only allows 5. It might not work for everybody, but for MY goals, it’s good enough given the time and resources I have.