Takingdictation.com Goes Biweekly

Dear readers,

Those of you who follow my work know that I have maintained a weekly blog schedule for a long time. I have no shortage of ideas and advice I want to share, so coming up with content week after week is easy.

What’s not so easy is maintaining a weekly schedule when I now have other commitments. I’m heavily involved in both my author site and podcast sister site, and I have multiple books I want to finish and provide to you. At the same time, I continue to work with clients.

Image by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay

To ensure that I meet the objectives I have, among other changes, I’ve decided to put the takingdictation.com blog on a biweekly schedule. The weekly video posts I publish each Friday will continue, but the article/essay-style entries will publish every other Thursday. Social media sharing for those entries stays on Tuesday.

Thanks for your understanding and continued support as I get this new biweekly schedule into play!


Wanda Marie Thibodeaux