Lots of Writing Advice Is Bad, But These Points Are the Worst

#Writing advice? Yeah, some of it stinks, even when it’s stuff you’ve heard a million times. This video lists three of the worst pieces of advice I hear (and why they’re awful).


I’ve been writing professionally for two decades. So, I’ve heard just about every recommendation a writer can get. I take most writing advice with a grain of salt because I understand that everybody has different skills, experienes, and preferences. I want people to find what works for them and allows them to produce good content in a consistent way.

But the three points I highlight in the video always elicit an unhappy face from me. They have NEVER felt right, and I can tell you I’ve produced plenty of well-read content that contradicted each one. And to be blunt, only way I’ve balanced my work and the rest of life is by ignoring the write every day rule.

Let me know in the comments on Instagram what writing advice you’ve received. How did you take it and why?