Want to Connect Through Your Writing? Offer Some Opinion

Do you want people to care what you think?

Does it matter that people ask what your opinion is before they act?

Do you go on social media with at least one of your goals being to connect with others?

If the answer is yes to any or all of those questions, opinion writing should be part of your feed, both as a reader and as a creator.

letter dice spelling out IMHO (in my honest opinion)
WOKANDAPIX from Pixabay

Not just facts. Not just educational how-tos or how-I-made-it posts.

Straight opinion.

This video explains why. For an even deeper dive, check out this previous post.


[Transcript summary]

So, the other day, I’m on LinkedIn, as I usually am, and I happen to stumble across this post in which the person that posted basically said that opinion writing doesn’t have any value. And I have heard this many, many times. But the idea was basically just that, if you are going to post, you are — you should post things that are educational, that are inspirational. But your opinion, keep that to yourself.

I vehemently disagree. And the reason I disagree is because your opinions are part of you. They come from your experiences. They come from the feelings that you have had, everything that makes you you. That’s why you have the opinions that you have, everything that you’ve learned, right? So, when we talk about being authentic, giving your opinion is part of that.

Now, that doesn’t mean that you should just go and give unsolicited opinions on any other topic that you’re not qualified to do. But to be honest about what you think and give the rationale for why you think it, that, to me, has incredible value, because then I get to see who people are. I get to see how they really think and why they think it. Okay?

So, please, if you are posting on LinkedIn or other channels, I want to hear your opinion. I want to get to know you, right? If you want to give me some educational posts or other things like that, great. That’s cool too, but show me who you are. Give me your opinions. I want them.

Take care, everybody. Bye.