Where to Invest Your Money as a Writer

Got tons of money as a writer? Yeah, me neither. 🤣 That’s why it’s so important to put what you do have where it’s going to make a difference for your career. Here’s where I’d put the cash you’ve got.


I ought to clarify that I’m not trying to suggest with this video that you become an expert in EVERYTHING. I understand that you only have so many hours in a day and that a writer’s job is to write, not market, do formatting, maintain a site, etc. So, if you can afford to hire a few extra pairs of hands, I won’t stop you. But I DO want you to understand what the people you hire are doing. Putting some money into learning some basics is going to allow you to communicate what you want and need for your writing to those professionals if you opt not to keep control of everything. It can let you have a more comprehensive view of your writing as a business, too.

Once you grasp the basics of all the interconnected elements that have to happen, I’d say the next best investment might be some kind of assistant. There are so many stupid little things that need to be done as you try to write! If you can afford to have someone doing some of the side work, such as booking your PR, you’ll be able to relax and focus on your manuscripts.

So, what do you invest in as a writer right now? What do you WANT to invest in? Leave me a note on Instagram.

[Transcript summary]

Hello, everybody. Wanda Thibodeaux of takingdictation.com here. I had somebody the other day ask me, “As a writer, where should I be putting my money?” Because if you are a writer, you probably know that funds can be very limited. So, you want to really invest well with the little money that you do have.

So, what I told them was that you want to be putting your money into anywhere that allows you to then not spend money. So, a good example might be, a website. Every author should have an author website. Now, it’s very easy to hire somebody to design your site and get that all started for you. The problem with that is that then if you do not know how the back end of that works, you have to contact them every time you want to change your site. You gotta change — basically keep them on call anytime that you need a modification. So, if you’re going to spend money, spend money to have somebody train you. “How do I do a simple WordPress site?” (Or whatever you want to do your site in, okay?)

But if you do that, yes, it takes time. Yes, it can be a little frustrating. You gotta take the time to do it. But at the end of it, that money, now you have that knowledge. That is equity. You now do not have to spend a dime to maintain that site. You can do it yourself. You never have to call that person again. So, that’s a good example here of what I’m talking about. So, same thing with your book cover design, if you can learn things on that. Anything that is going to [help you] learn how to do a process for your writing where you can keep creating on your own, that is a excellent investment of your money. Take care, everybody. Bye.