Why Writers Fail

Lots of writers make it. The ones who fail? They often operate under this false mindset.


I know that with self-publishing, it’s infinitely easier to publish now than it used to be. But easy and fast are not synonymous. It takes time to properly write, draft, launch, and continue to market a book. So, I get frustrated when people are sold this concept that they should be able to start making money in an hour. It doesn’t work that way.

What I want you to understand is that throwing out copy is one thing. Being a genuine author putting out quality manuscripts that will leave a differentiated legacy is another. Do not confuse making a quick buck with creating books of value. There’s a difference.

But because of all the advertising around publishing fast and making $$$$$, I think a lot of writers are getting discouraged. They have this image that something is wrong if they don’t have bestsellers that can pay the rent in a week.

So, please, let’s just slow down. It takes the time it takes. This is the long game.