Writers, Let’s Deal With the Pests

As I continue to see more and more of my colleagues struggle to make a living from what they were born to do, I can’t keep this image of a venus fly trap out of my head.

In so many ways, I feel like writers and other creatives have been dealing with annoying pests (e.g., people flooding markets with crappy AI manuscripts) for a long time. And over time, more and more of them have landed. And some aren’t just annoying. Some are flagrant parasites.

But writers, don’t underestimate yourselves. You might not always seem attractive next to the roses and dahlias. But you’re crucial. You matter. You’re the ones who are designed by nature to deal with the pests and make yourself stronger from dealing with them. Do not be shy in serving as a line of defense for everything else beautiful in the garden.

Yet, in that defense, recognize the patience and care you have built in. A venus fly trap will close only when a pest repeatedly irritates them. It doesn’t close unless a pest touches a single spike multiple times in succession, or unless the pest touches multiple spikes over time. So, keep sight of your ethics. Don’t just strike out all the time at anything. Save your energy for the squeeze that has to count.