
5 Ways to Quickly Improve Your Writing

If you want to improve your writing, then by far the best way to do it is to just write, and to do it a lot. There’s no magic quick fix for honing your own...

Short Writing Deadlines Can Boost Your Quality and Confidence. Here’s How

Image by Wanda Thibodeaux via Canva If you’ve read any of my previous blog posts, then you already know that I’m a huge advocate of not forcing writing if you’re just not feeling it. Forced...

Protagonist and Antagonist: Why Morally Gray Is Good

Image by Alexas_Fotos via Canva In traditional writing, there’s often a clear protagonist and antagonist. The protagonist is the character (or idea) that represents everything good and right. The antagonist is the character (or idea)...

Chapter Titles in Your Books: Genius or Disaster?

Every fiction book has a title. That’s a given. But chapter titles? That’s messier. The case against chapter titles… Most fiction books I’ve read don’t use chapter titles. They use numbers. More specifically, writers generally...

Do Modern Writers Lean Too Much on Blunt Shock Value?

Catching your readers off guard for a little shock value once in a while isn’t a bad thing. It can make your story seem more novel (pun intended). That freshness can motivate people to go...

4 Tricks to Write Faster

I’m a firm believer that writing should take the time it takes and shouldn’t be forced. After all, sometimes life happens. We all have times when we feel like crap or are overwhelmed. In those...

12 Things Great Writers Never Do

Writers are similar to any other professional in that they want to do their absolute best in their craft and have best practices (e.g., ALWAYS back up files, get feedback on drafts). Most successful writers...

Fighting Boredom as a Writer? This Is Probably Why

You know the feeling. You stare at your computer screen or pad of paper and, in boredom, think, “Meh.” Does this feeling really mean putting words on the page isn't interesting anymore? Should you stop...

Support Groups: Why Every Writer Needs One

In a post on his website, author Max Florschutz wrote about the need for writers to have support groups. The stereotype of writers sitting lackadaisically in cafes is far from accurate. Writing, Florschultz rightly notes, comes with...

Querying Agents: How Many Times Should You Try?

If you’re thinking about querying agents about your book, or if you’re in the middle of that process, then you’ll quickly find that the most efficient way to go about it is to send off...