
Does Rejection or Silence From Agents and Publishers Mean You’re a Bad Writer?

If there's one thing that makes a person think they're a bad writer and that their work is a flaming dumpster fire, it's a constant stream of rejections or -- even worse -- plain silence....

What to Do With Your X Account

Big changes have been happening on Elon Musk's social media platform, X. In this video, I explain the slap-in-the-face conundrum he's created for content creators and brands through his new, no-opt-out policy on AI. https://youtu.be/o6msG-0dFRA...

Reading This Way Might Help You Get More Enjoyment and Meaning from Books

Due to both changes in the writing industry and shifts in my personal life, I've been giving intense thought to what my goals and purpose should be as a writer. Why do I want to...

How Much Do Fiction Writers Really Have to Publish Each Year?

If you envision cranking out a single book that sells well and calling it done, well, let's get real. You're likely going to have to write a lot more -- and faster -- than you...

Should You Hire an Editor for Your Own Writing?

Good writers and editors work with manuscripts all the time, polishing them to the point of being ready to publish. But if you have a book of your own, should you trust yourself to edit...

Yes, Writing Is a Skill, Not Just a Passion. Here’s Why It Matters

When you engage with others about writing, what's their perception? Do they treat it as a serious, legitimate, unique skill? Or do they dismiss it as a quaint hobby, a passion that's "nice" but won't...

7 Tips for Better Book Comps

Finding comps -- comparable titles -- is an essential part of the book querying process, as they are a shorthand that let agents and publishers know what your manuscript is like. This video highlights key...

Are All Writers Introverted?

Writers are introverts. At least, that's the stereotype. But in this video, I argue that many writers aren't introverts at all. They want to connect just like anyone else and, thanks to industry shifts, have...

I Sacrificed to Build My Author Platform. I Hope You Didn’t

Social media is an ever-changing beast. But for writers, one narrative has persisted about it for years -- you need to build a platform to be successful as an author, if only because social media...

6 Reasons to Outline Your Book

There's nothing wrong with pantsing a manuscript -- I've done it and loved it. But here, I give you half a dozen reasons why plotting it all out makes sense. https://youtu.be/W9m26GIxVMw Watch/Subscribe For me, when...