

Why “Qualified” Is a Horrible Way to Describe a Writer

Image created by Wanda Thibodeaux on Canva You know the idea. Write what you know. That will let the words flow onto the page faster and with a flavor of authenticity readers will smack their...
Taking Dictation

When Dracula Joins the Circus

Image by Willgard Krause from Pixabay This afternoon, I was chatting online with an old friend about books. (OK, let’s just pause and appreciate the fact he let me talk about those things with pages,...
Taking Dictation

What to Do When Your Draft Genuinely Sucks

Image by Anuj Chawla from PixabayEvery writer I know understands that producing a book–or even an article or blog post–is a process. It’s rare for people to spew one version of something, hit publish, and...
Taking Dictation

The Ultimate Writer Self-Care Checklist

Image by Victoria_Borodinova from PixabayWriting tends to be a pretty lonely and thankless job. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have value, and it certainly doesn’t mean that you can’t practice self-care so that everything...
Taking Dictation

How to Keep Gratitude Journaling from Totally Sucking

Image by Kranich17 from PixabayYou don’t have to look very far to find the benefits of gratitude journaling — stress reduction, for example. But if you don’t approach it the right way, then keeping this...
Taking Dictation

The Real Reason a Great Writer Needs the Perfect Pen

Image by Here and now, unfortunately, ends my journey on Pixabay from Pixabay It happens to me every flipping year. School supplies come out, and there, somewhere between the Sharpies and zippered plush pencil pouches,...

Plagiarism: What It Is and How to Avoid It

Photo by WangXuefei on Pixabay Being a real wordsmith means that each time you pick up a pencil or sit down at your keyboard, what flows out comes from your own mind and heart. Sure,...

4 Ways to Spot a Bad Writing Client

Image by SarahRichterArt on Pixabay In an ideal world, every writing client you have would be the most perfect, honest, well-paying person on the planet. To borrow from the Horton Hears a Who film, they would all...

To Get Paid for Writing, Embrace These Habits

Photo by Brett_Hondow on Pixabay Ever been anxious about how or when you'll get paid as a writer? Me, too. As I write this, current clients owe me almost $2,000. This represents work spanning over...

Top 10 Signs You’re a Writer

Photo by eroyka on Pixabay Not sure if you're reeeeeeeally a wordsmith? These are the top 10 signs authoring is in your blood. 1. You have at least one type of notepad or word processing...