
Can You Make a Living as a Writer?

Earlier today, I came across an article in Forbes by MeiMei Fox that highlighted opinions on writing from four professionals in the industry. The question at hand: Can you make a living as a writer?...

What Motivates You to Write? The Craft or Glory?

In this article, author Shelly Sanders talks about the takeaways gleaned through her publishing journey. I'll start by offering a heartfelt Kudos to Sanders. We all know it's not easy, and she put in the...

Is It OK for a First Draft to Be Crappy?

It's OK if your first draft sucks. But in this video, I stress the importance of striving for the best you can do in the moment every time you sit down to write. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMbPOsIkBJg Why...

Why Every Writer Needs the Cloud

Two weeks ago, I succeeded in doing something I'd never done as a writer: I bricked my laptop. The technology angel choir sang a lament of death. The cloud, however, saved me. The laptop I...

Crappy Drafts? Get Them to the Right People

I have so many piles of crappy drafts, lol. What's your count? May this be encouragement that whether your work is "good" or "bad" depends a lot on perspective. Different people, different perspectives The point...

A Writer’s Just a Unicorn. Here’s Why

Above my desk, I have a poster of a unicorn. But it's not just any unicorn. It's a unicorn on a therapist's couch. The therapist, seated in a chair to the side, gives one line...

Using Writing Prompts? Here’s How to Get the Most Out of Them

Let’s make sure you get the most out of your writing prompts today, everybody. https://youtu.be/zwM-ivH5M-M Are writing prompts scenes without plays? TBH, I don’t use writing prompts that much. Part of the reason for that...

Writers Need an Initial Nest Egg. Here’s Why

Even if you traditionally publish, writing takes some initial capital. In this video, I acknowledge that hurdle and encourage writers to prepare by putting together a nest egg. https://youtu.be/buMILdivUOs How much should a writer put...

28 of the Most Inspirational Quotes About Writing

Sometimes, when I sit alone at my desk writing, I get despondent. What is it all for, all this sitting and typing and churning out words? Who in the world possibly could understand? In fact,...

The Last Choices Left to Survive as a Writer

Today, as I did my usual LinkedIn perusal, I read about the bloody week the news industry has had. Major outlets like Business Insider, The Los Angeles Times, and Forbes are all cutting staff or...