Industry Related

The Way We Teach Writing Is Bad

You probably remember it. Your English teacher carefully goes through how to write a formal essay, do an outline, and so on. You spend a ton of time on figuring out how to do citations....

Why Brands Are Reevaluating Influencers

Writers and other creatives can benefit significantly from brand partnerships. But brands have tended to work only with social media influencers with big follower counts. It's a catch-22, because you can't grow without the brands...

The Problem with Low-Content Books

You might have noticed that people have figured it out. If you publish a super short book or a book that has almost no words, you still can put it up for sale on sites...

To the People Practicing Exploitation of Ghostwriters

I have a message for the people on YouTube bragging about how they hire ghostwriters to make cheap books for a few hundred bucks and then turn them for five figures or more. Hint: It's...

Small Press Distribution Is Gone, But You Still Have Options

Small Press Distribution got thousands of books into readers' hands. Now that they've shuttered, we writers can't quit. I'm sharing this list of indie presses from Electric Literature hoping to lend a hand. Let's check...

Writing Takes a Ton of Time. Be Realistic About It

In this video, I share my thoughts about why writing is hard. It's not so much about the craft, but rather about being realistic about the time necessary to make both the writing and other...

Can You Make a Living as a Writer?

Earlier today, I came across an article in Forbes by MeiMei Fox that highlighted opinions on writing from four professionals in the industry. The question at hand: Can you make a living as a writer?...

The Last Choices Left to Survive as a Writer

Today, as I did my usual LinkedIn perusal, I read about the bloody week the news industry has had. Major outlets like Business Insider, The Los Angeles Times, and Forbes are all cutting staff or...

How Censorship and Invalidation Psychologically Damage Writers

Writers always have faced some degree of criticism and difficulty getting their work out into the world. We've never had the easiest time when it comes to having our craft respected. Now, though, censorship and...

What Henry Ford Knew About Writing Books

Henry Ford is one of the most well-known American innovators. He's the guy who brought mass production to the "horseless carriages"--that is, cars--we zoom around in today. So what does Ford have to do with...