
Achieving Balance as a Writer

Image by geralt on Pixabay Are you achieving balance as a writer? As I write this, it might seem like I'm not. It’s dangerously close to midnight. I have to be up in roughly five...

Writing Ideas: Are You Jotting Yours Down?

Image by stux on Pixabay In a perfect world, your brain would be like the laptop you use. It easily would capture all of your brilliant writing ideas for future sorting and elaboration. But alas,...

3 Writing Lessons from “A Christmas Carol”

Image by Prawny on Pixabay Some works of literature are so monumental that it’s almost difficult to imagine that they once didn’t exist. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens is a perfect example. This work can make your work...

Setting Writing Goals Really Is Important

Image by mohamed_hassan on Pixabay Writing is by nature a creative craft. That's largely why we love and turn to it. It gives us a platform to build something and imagine. But creativity has a...

How to Make the Most of Your Writing Time

Photo created by Wanda Thibodeaux on Canva Most writers I know cram drafting between other things, like taking care of kids or another formal job. Even authors who are free as birds typically want ultra-high...

Good Writer? Here’s Why You Get Rejected Anyway

Photo by geralt on Pixabay Rejection from publishers is something that virtually every good writer will experience in their career at some point. In fact, some professional writers acquire so many rejection letters could paper...

Query Letter Perfection: How to Hook Agents Every Time

Photo by anSICHThoch3 on Pixabay If you want to break into the writing business, your job isn’t over when you finish your final draft. You have to keep going and write a killer query letter....

When Creativity and the Ability to Sell Don’t Mix

Photo by Paul Steuber on Unsplash Disney has produced some truly wonderful material over its decades of operation. Even so, I can’t help but notice that Disney tends not to move away from general plots. For example, in...

An Editor Can Transform Content (If Writers Let Them)

Photo by 3844328 on Pixabay In the writing world, an editor is often the stinky cheese in the refrigerator of fairness and creativity. But why? What a good editor does During the editing process, it’s...

Social Media Has the Power to Create a World of Writers

Photo by LoboStudioHamburg on Pixabay I’ll admit it. I’m a social media (SM) junkie. There's usually at least one site running in my browser as I’m working. I don’t pay too much heed to the...