
Editorial Requests: When to Say Yes and When to Push Back

Every writer knows the drill: You write your draft, polish it the best you can, and send it off to your editor. If all goes well, you might not have to do any extra work...

How to Punch Your Inner Critic in the Face When You Write

“You call yourself a writer? You just spent 20 minutes writing a trash heap!” “Like anybody’s going to read this.” “You need to stop imagining you’re J.K. Rowling and admit that your writing career doesn’t...

4 Myths That Deserve to Die About Writers

Some elements of the writing profession never change. The books or other pieces of content we write are always our babies. Tears are shed over lost files. Rejection letters hurt even when they're nice. These...

Rewriting: When Should You Stop?

Over the past few months, I've worked with a number of clients who, for one reason or another, needed the work I did for them rewritten. This often had nothing to do with the quality...

Time to Print: Traditional vs. Self-Publishing

Over the past few months, I've been scrambling to query two books (one fiction, one non-fiction). The plan for both is to give traditional querying a shot first. I'll self-publish if I can't get any...

The Mental Load of Writing

As I updated a yet-to-be-sent bill on Paypal for a writing client this afternoon, a thought flashed across my mind. "How much more would this paycheck have in it if I charged for my mental...

Querying? Here’s How to Stop Life from Getting in the Way

For the past few years, I've buried myself in writing projects, the result of which was two complete book manuscripts. Now that those texts are done, I've moved on to querying. The plan is that,...

How to Write Website Copy That Pops

If I had to pie chart it out, probably 90 percent of what I write is articles, blogs, or social media posts. Once in a while, though, I get called in to do some website...

The Reality of Writers Who Have Bills to Pay

This week, as a high punctuation on the trend of colleagues and loved ones losing jobs, I found out that my husband's company is going to lay him off. It's not because of any fault...

Why I Ditched My Social Media Scheduler (and How I Survive Without It)

For years now, I've used one social media scheduler or another, planning my posts in advance. I don't plan for any particular campaign strategy, but rather to gain flexibility in my schedule. But just this...