

Writing Prompts: Friend or Foe?

Office photo created by 8photo – www.freepik.com In my daily Twitter scrolling a few days ago, I happened upon a post by essayist Paul Crenshaw (@PaulCrenstorm). In the post, Crenshaw referred to writing prompts and...

Daily Word Count Goals Suck for Writers. Here’s Why

Background photo created by freepik – www.freepik.com As a writer, I try hard to stay connected with other writers, especially on social media. Regardless of which platform I'm using, the focus on daily word count...

The Writer’s Hidden Roles

Photo by Pexels on Pixabay "Back in the day,” writers might have been able to "write what they know" solely based on their everyday experience. Now, though, most writers can't take such a leisurely approach...

Not Just a Writer

Image created by Wanda Thibodeaux on Canva Recently, I had a friend of mine tell me how lucky I am that I am "just a writer". Yes, she said “just.” My friend meant well in...

How Choice Creates Compelling Fiction

Photo by Pixource on Pixabay Think fast. What’s the secret to a fantastic novel? It’s not mastering the story arc (because naturally, you want your book to read EXACTLY like every other book sold). It’s...

Why “Qualified” Is a Horrible Way to Describe a Writer

Image created by Wanda Thibodeaux on Canva You know the idea. Write what you know. That will let the words flow onto the page faster and with a flavor of authenticity readers will smack their...
Taking Dictation

When Dracula Joins the Circus

Image by Willgard Krause from Pixabay This afternoon, I was chatting online with an old friend about books. (OK, let’s just pause and appreciate the fact he let me talk about those things with pages,...
Taking Dictation

The Real Reason a Great Writer Needs the Perfect Pen

Image by Here and now, unfortunately, ends my journey on Pixabay from Pixabay It happens to me every flipping year. School supplies come out, and there, somewhere between the Sharpies and zippered plush pencil pouches,...

Achieving Balance as a Writer

Image by geralt on Pixabay Are you achieving balance as a writer? As I write this, it might seem like I'm not. It’s dangerously close to midnight. I have to be up in roughly five...

Setting Writing Goals Really Is Important

Image by mohamed_hassan on Pixabay Writing is by nature a creative craft. That's largely why we love and turn to it. It gives us a platform to build something and imagine. But creativity has a...