
Taking Dictation

When Dracula Joins the Circus

Image by Willgard Krause from Pixabay This afternoon, I was chatting online with an old friend about books. (OK, let’s just pause and appreciate the fact he let me talk about those things with pages,...
Taking Dictation

The Real Reason a Great Writer Needs the Perfect Pen

Image by Here and now, unfortunately, ends my journey on Pixabay from Pixabay It happens to me every flipping year. School supplies come out, and there, somewhere between the Sharpies and zippered plush pencil pouches,...

Achieving Balance as a Writer

Image by geralt on Pixabay Are you achieving balance as a writer? As I write this, it might seem like I'm not. It’s dangerously close to midnight. I have to be up in roughly five...

Setting Writing Goals Really Is Important

Image by mohamed_hassan on Pixabay Writing is by nature a creative craft. That's largely why we love and turn to it. It gives us a platform to build something and imagine. But creativity has a...

An Editor Can Transform Content (If Writers Let Them)

Photo by 3844328 on Pixabay In the writing world, an editor is often the stinky cheese in the refrigerator of fairness and creativity. But why? What a good editor does During the editing process, it’s...

Social Media Has the Power to Create a World of Writers

Photo by LoboStudioHamburg on Pixabay I’ll admit it. I’m a social media (SM) junkie. There's usually at least one site running in my browser as I’m working. I don’t pay too much heed to the...