Tips, How-Tos, and Guides

This Hidden Skill Can Improve the Odds of Getting Published

Recently, I was talking with a friend about how she was trying to update her resume. I suggested a method for her to try that would enable her to create a resume for any position....

4 Easy Ways to Write a Better Plot

Story lacking that certain I-don't-know-what? This video gives a few quick tips to write a better plot. Panster? Plotter? The tips can work for both When I created this, I tried to keep in...

Crappy Drafts? Get Them to the Right People

I have so many piles of crappy drafts, lol. What's your count? May this be encouragement that whether your work is "good" or "bad" depends a lot on perspective. Different people, different perspectives The point...

Using Writing Prompts? Here’s How to Get the Most Out of Them

Let’s make sure you get the most out of your writing prompts today, everybody. Are writing prompts scenes without plays? TBH, I don’t use writing prompts that much. Part of the reason for that...

Writers Need an Initial Nest Egg. Here’s Why

Even if you traditionally publish, writing takes some initial capital. In this video, I acknowledge that hurdle and encourage writers to prepare by putting together a nest egg. How much should a writer put...

4 Ways to Create Your Book Cover

Need a book cover? There are four basic options to create one, and I cover them all in this quick video. Watch/Subscribe: My preferred option is... In complete honesty, I have no idea which...

Want to Self-Publish a Book? Here’s What You’ll Need

You need more than a finished manuscript to self-publish a book. In this video, you'll learn the other basic resources you need to prepare before you launch. Watch/Subscribe: re: ISBNs -- It's MUCH...

How to Deal With the Feeling Your Writing Dream Won’t Come True

I think every writer has felt like they'd never make it at some point, like their writing dream would never come true. Take some encouragement from this video in which I provide a simple strategy...

5 Mistakes (Most) Beginning Writers Make

I've been in the writing game for almost two decades now. But once upon a time, I was a newb. I had no idea what I was doing. (Like, seriously, none.) But looking back, it's...

Spew and Write First, Edit Second

Yes, you have to edit. While you write, though? How about not? I'm not talking here about minor edits where you are catching errors and assisting with the overall construction of your document as...