Tips, How-Tos, and Guides

How to Prioritize Multiple Writing Drafts

If you've got multiple drafts going at once, which one deserves your top focus? This video reveals how I prioritize from among different options. Watch/Subscribe: Over the years, I've tried to be logical about...

The Sky-High Value of Guest Blog Posts

As a writer, you probably assume a lot of responsibility for your own success. YOU publish articles or books, run your website, and send out your newsletter. All of those things count. But did you...

6 Common Query Letter Mistakes to Avoid

Self-publishing is becoming a behemoth in its own right next to traditional publishing, but it's not right for every writer. If you go the traditional route, the journey to get your book into readers' hands...

New Writer? Need Goals? Grab These Top 5

New to writing as a career? This video outlines some of the best goals you can have. They'll help set a foundation for the rest of your work. Watch/Subscribe: All of the goals included...

You Have a Writing Mentor. Now Get an Advocate

When I was a teenager still at home, I wanted to do only two things -- study music and write. But when you grow up in a small town of less than 1,000 people, resources...

Want to Write in a Niche? Do This to Succeed

For years now, most of my income has been from business writing. That's my niche, and it's been good to me in terms of keeping a roof over my head. I've learned an incredible amount...

How to Set Writing Goals

If you don't already set writing goals, now is the time to start. In this video, I break down how to do it. Watch/Subscribe: In complete disclosure, in the past, I didn't make it...

Got Feedback as a Writer? Here’s How to Make Sense of It

Every writer needs feedback to improve. But in this video, I share how to make sense of the data others give you so you know how to revise. Watch/Subscribe: When I was still pretty...

How to Keep Writing When Life Won’t Let You

The past two weeks, life has brought me a perfect storm of craptasticness. My new puppy had to spend a day getting his rabies shot and got carsick on the way to the vet. The...

Need a Book Launch Team? Here’s How to Build One

A book launch team can be the difference between a bestseller and a flop. In this short video, I summarize how to put one together. A few things to remember: 1) A book launch...